Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I was awakened by a loud noise near by. What is she doing now? After hours of flitting from room to room, she must have settled by now. The faint smell of pesto still lingers in the air. I peer through a crack in the door. There she hunches over an odd container stirring the mysterious liquid. With several waves of her hand the room begins to darken. “Oh yes, you shall be mine,” she gleefully laughs. Followed by several thuds, bumps, and a few “oops”. I must admit I’m nonplused at this late hour. And what is that horrid smell. She seems to have something to do with it. An hour later, she emerges triumphantly. Now is it time for bed, I wonder.

. No really deep thoughts today, my brain in going in a million directions and simply can not focus on one thing all that long today. Lack of sleep perhaps…….most likely!!! After commuting from the office last night( lol…it’s a long one, all 40 feet worth.) I began pricing garage sale items like a mad woman. At around 9 pm, I realized I hadn’t eaten and if I looked at another item to be sold, I’d throw it out the window.

Mid way through my pasta, I realize I “borrowed” three cans of paint from my parent’s house. My curiosity got the best of me and I opened them. (I have been dying to paint!!! My sister-in-law picked the color for the house as it was being built. While the color is fabulous as a blank slate for new home buyers, I just needed color to feel homey.) I back going from room to room trying to figure out what rooms to paint. (No more watching HG tv at 9 at night.) I simply had to paint some where any where. I settled on the hall half bath. (small enough so that I wouldn’t still be painting at 2 am.) The intro above is what I am sure Scooter thought as I was painting.

Here are a few pics of the pups.

But I don’t like this life jacket thing!
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I wasn’t chewing the box.
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I’m not bad, I’m cute.
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I don’t know how the pink thing got here.
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Up close with Gizzie
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That’s all for today. And the song of the day is……. Babylon by David Gray

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